2021 Opportunities

With the borders between the State and Territories all but open and 2021 in sight, there is a hunger for a return to ‘normal’. The recent Westpac-Melbourne Institute Index of…

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2021 Risks

The Reserve Bank of Australia cautions that the recovery will be uneven and drawn out and GDP is not expected to return to pre-pandemic levels until the end of 2021.…

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JobKeeper clawback begins

At the recent Senate Estimates hearing, Jeremy Hirschhorn, the ATO’s Second Commissioner, stated that $120 million in JobKeeper payments had been clawed back from those either deliberately seeking to rort…

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APRA reveals 34.4bn super early release

Over $34.4bn has been released from Australian Superannuation Funds under the COVID-19 early release scheme, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority revealed. The figures, which do not include self-managed super funds,…

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Minimise Your Personal Tax

Tax Planning Guide The tax rates for the 2019/2020 Income Year are as follows: Resident Individuals Income threshold Tax Rates $0 – $18,200 Nil $18,201 – $37,000 19% $37,001 –…

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